Listen: I realize the holiday season has come and passed. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention this story.

While I don’t claim to speak for everybody, the holiday movie classics from years past will be sorely missed going into 2021: It’s A Wonderful Life, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (my personal fave), the list goes on.

Heck, I will even miss the newer Christmas movies! While many people are critical of reboots, I personally enjoy seeing a new take on an old classic. With one exception…

Many viewers at home were critical of Matthew Morrison’s performance as the titular character, and while I wasn’t a huge fan of his performance, other folks had some harsher words to say about his take:

Others felt his performance was too sexual:

To be fair, the Grinch has become an iconic holiday character of late, and even the most seasoned actor would find the task of filling Jim Carrey’s shoes daunting, to say the least.

All that aside, I cannot think of a more fitting way to end the year 2020 than with a creepy Grinch. My wish for next year is for more content as memorable (for better or worse) as this!