Subscription boxes have become extremely popular over the last few years, and over the time of the pandemic kids subscription boxes got huge. Staying home with your family sounds awesome until you’re a couple weeks in and looking for the sweet, sweet release of death. A little dramatic? Maybe. Maybe I should say a whole 5 minutes of silence and the ability to use the bathroom in peace.







Kiwi Crate

We were given a 3 month Kiwi Crate subscription for Christmas and my son is loving it. He gets so excited waiting for mail to come. Remember being a kid and looking forward to getting mail? Ah, the good ol’ days. We had a blast putting our first kit together. Kiwi Crate is a subscription box that sends STEAM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) based projects for your kids on a monthly basis. I am in love. Let me explain why. The packaging is very environmentally friendly and the directions are very kid friendly. I helped my son put this together while cooking dinner. They don’t take so long that kids lose interest and the finished product was super fun.

Trent gives it a 5 out of 5 stars and I agree. I think it is a great way to keep kids entertained while keeping them learning and limiting screen time. Kiwi Co. offers subscription boxes for all age groups and interests. They have options for art, STEM, development and even to teach about different cultures across the world. They cover literally every single age group and the price point is decent at $19.95. You can get your own Kiwi Co. subscription Here.

We hope you enjoy Kiwi Crate as much as we do. As for me and Trent, we will definitely be renewing our subscription.

Talk soon,
