Making time to work out when you have kids is nearly impossible. I know I can barely find a babysitter to have a night out, let alone go to the gym. I have been working out for the past 3 years from home and I have come to love these YouTubers that offer FREE at home workouts so you don’t break the bank.


I have been doing pilates for a long time. It’s like yoga but you use more muscle strength and it gives you a crazy core workout. Cassy Ho is my favorite fitness instructor of all time. She is extremely body positive and makes working out fun for every fitness level. The best part is, most of her workouts you don’t need any equipment. You just use your own body weight. She makes monthly fitness calendars to keep you on track and has casual conversations so you don’t feel like you’re being screamed at the whole time.


Fitness Marshall

I love dancing. I’m not good at it but I think it’s the best cardio workout you can do without feeling like you’re working out. The Fitness Marshall is hilarious and uses popular songs to get you moving. Dance like noone is watching, because if you’re in your own living room they probably aren’t.



Yoga With Adriene

One day a week I like to unwind after all the strength training and cardio with some yoga. Yoga With Adriene is so relaxing and just the thing to help you feel refreshed and unwind those tense muscles. Her videos have everything from advanced yoga practitioners to beginners just starting their yoga journey. Just roll out your yoga mat, turn on YouTube and get started right on your living room floor.



EmKFit is another dance channel, but she uses tabata style so it’s easy to follow. Her workouts are only 15-30 minutes, so if you’re in a time crunch this is for you. Her sense of humor keeps me going and even if you are terrible at dancing you can follow along. As Emily says “Fake it ‘til you make it.”


I hope these awesome fitness instructors get you out of your fitness rut and get you moving. All of them can be found right on YouTube. Working out is so good for your mental health and can transform your entire mindset for the day.

Talk soon,
