If you are on social media apps, you must have heard of the current trending topic of banning TikTok. It is even being brought into congress.  This week on the blog we are talking about how the ban could change things for your favorite online personalities and content creators.

TikTok has been one of the most visited websites in recent years and has become popular for creators because of the opportunity it gives users to go viral.

What Will We See From Creators If TikTok Gets Banned?

Cross Promoting

Most successful content creators have multiple platforms they create for. Unfortunately, most social media users don’t follow one creator across all platforms because each platform provides a different perspective into that person’s life and we all have our favorite apps. An example of this is a daily TikTok is less produced and in more "real time" than say, a YouTube vlog.


As a content creator this may be the perfect time to start a new project on a different app! If you currently are only focusing on TikTok start a podcast, YouTube channel or a new IG account to cross promote!

TikTok vs YouTube.

Paid Subscriptions and New Apps

I think a trend we will see for full time content creators, who may lose TikTok as a means of income, is utilizing paid subscription features. Like the recently added IG subscriptions, to make up for income lost from their TikTok platform. Will the followers pay? Instagram has also introduced the ability to pay for a verification badge. How will that change the relationship between influencer and brands or the verified accounts to their followers?

New apps will continue to be created and old apps will adapt to the new trends. Lemon8 is already on the rise with the news of a possible TikTok ban.

More Professionally Edited Content

Banning TikTok might allow the movement of “influencers” to shift back into strategic content creation from subject matter experts versus content from everyone just flooding the TikTok feed with 20 videos a day to get exposure. Which does work to build your TikTok audience. What’s that old saying, “The cream always rises to the top”? Time will tell.

How To Support Your Favs:

If you have a few people, you love to see on the daily make sure to follow them on their other platforms!

Subscribe to them if you resonate with their message.

Share their content that you've learned from or that you admire.

Where you can find me:





What To Do If You’re A Creator:

Remember your VALUE isn’t on the app. Your WHY is your value.

Start creating content that connects all your platforms together.

Repurpose your old content but don’t copy and paste. Each platform runs differently, and the format of your content needs to change based on which platform you’re putting it on.

If you have brand deals based on your TikTok following, start renegotiating or amending your deals to include your other platforms so you don’t lose out on your income.

Tell your followers where to find you!

I hope this article gets you brainstorming about social media and what it means for you! If you want to read more in-depth about this topic check out these posts:

New York Times: Why Countries Are Tryin To Ban TikTok

